Millions of People are and were involved in the different Space Programms. Here we present IKARUS Pictures signed by 62 People who helped to make Space Flights happen. And we added some aviators and Parachute Pioneers.
!!! Thank you all very much !!!
Mission Control
Gerry D. Griffin, NASA Flight Director, Flight Controller during the Gemini Program, lead Flight Director for Apollo 12/14/17, Key Role when bringing back Apollo 13 after the explosion on Board, Ikarus signed in Person, Picture taken at Starmus 2019 and signed by Mail
Rescuing the Apollo Crews
Larry Junker (1932-2021), NASA Construction Engineer, one of five engineers in charge of constructing the Vehicle Assembly Building, which
was at the time the world's largest building by volume (picture taken during Cape Canaveral Tour), Autograph by Mail
Sol Alan Stern US Planet Scientist, was Associate Administrator of NASA's Science Mission Directorate in 2007, Involved in numerous Space exploring mission, like New Horizon (Mission to Pluto), met at Starmus 29.05.2019 in Zurich, Ikarus signed in Person and Picture taken there and signed by Mail
Pilots and Parachute Pioneers
Felix Baumgartner, in 2012 with Project Red Bull Stratos reset the world record for the highest skydive: Height 38.969 meters. He reached a speed of 1357, 6 km/h in free fall, Picture of Felix0's camp taken taken at Tech Museum Speyer Germany, Autograph by Mail
Mark Armstrong, Son of Neil Armstrong Apollo 11, he is a trained software engineer and strategic advisor, performed his song 'in Flight of Fancy' and others at Legends of Space, Lausanne 19.3.2022, Autograph in Person
Kile and Mark Armstrong jr., Grandchildren of Neil Armstrong Apollo 11, Kile and her Father performed their song 'in Flight of Fancy' and others (with Mark jr. on Guitar) at Legends of Space, Lausanne 19.3.2022, Autograph in Person