Ursula Von der Leyen, President of the European Comission, former German Minister of Defense, Minister of Family Affairs and Youth, Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Autograph bought
German Chancellor
Konrad Adenauer (1876-1967), First Chancelor of West Germany (1949-1963), first leader of the Christian Democratic Union, Autograph bought
Ludwig Erhard (1887-1977), 2nd Chancellor of West Germany (1963-1966), Autograph bought with COA
Kurt Georg Kiesinger (1904-1988), 3rd Chancellor of West Germany (1966-1969), Letter comemorating the visit of K. G. Kiesinger to the US, Autograph bought with COA
Willy Brandt, (1913-1992), SPD; 4th West German Chancellor (1969-1974), former Mayor of Berlin, Autograph bought
Helmut Schmidt (1918-2015), SPD, 5th West German Chancellor (1974-1982), Nobel Prize for Peace 1971, Autograph bought
Helmut Kohl, (1930-2017), 6th West and First German Chancellor (1982-1998), Autograph bought with COA
Gerhard Schröder (1944), 7th Chancellor of Germany (1998-2005), Autograph by Mail
Angela Merkel, 8th and first female Chancellor (2005-2021), Autograph bought
Olaf Scholz (1958), 9th Chancellor (2021-), SPD, was Minister of Finance, Autograph by Mail
German Presidents
Theodor Heuss (1884-1963), first German President, Autograpg bought with COA
Heinrich Lübke (1894-1972), 2nd German President, Autograph bought with COA
Gustav Heinemann (1899-1976), 3rd President of Western Germany, Autograph bought with COA
Walter Scheel (1919-2016), 4th President Western Germany, Autograph bought with COA
Karl Carstensen (1914-1992), 5th President Western Germany, Autograph bought with COA
Richard Karl Freiherr von Weizsäcker (1920-2015), 6th President of Germany, Autograph bought with COA
Roman Herzog (1943-2017), 7th President of Germany, Autograph bought
Johannes‘ Rau (1931-2006), 8th President of Germany, Autograph bought
Horst Köhler (1943), 9th President of Germany (2004-2009), Autograph bought with COA
Christian Wulff 1959, 10th President of Germany, Autograph by Mail
Joachim Gauck, 11th President of Germany (2012-2017), Autograph by Mail
Frank-Walter Steinmeyer (1956), 12th President of Germany, Autograph by Mail
German Politicians
Norbert Lammert, Germany, 1948, 2005-2017 12th President of the German Bundestag, Autograph by Mail
Wolfgang Schäuble (1942 -2023), Germany, 8 years Minister of Finance, 2017-2021 13th President of the German Bundestag, Autograph by Mail
Annalena Baerbock, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Autograph by Mail
Christian Lindner, retired Minister of Finance, FDP, Autograph by Mail
Hans-Dietrich Genscher 1927-2016 Germany, Federal Minister of the Interior 1969-1974 and Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs and Vice Chancellor of Germany from 1974 to 1992, Autograph traded
Friedrich Merz, Leader of the CDU and designated vote, Autograph by Mail
Armin Laschet, CDU, Chancellor Candidate 2021, lost the Election, Minister-President of North Rhine-Westphalia, Autograph by Mail
Guido Westerwelle, (1961-2016), Leader of the FDP Party, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Vice Chancellor, Autograph bought